I really need to get out and about more, but life keeps taking over... I have found myself eating more than I should, and I'm not sure if it's the boredom of being either at work or chained to housework, or the fact that this cold weather will not stop! They are predicting snow tomorrow... again. I am in denial. I think I should get my Ab lounger out so I will use it more, but, oh wait, everyone else's junk is in the way. Argh!
I think I am going to post pics from my new favorite blog on the refrigerator because they make me not want to eat... The This is Why You're Fat Blog. I swear that site is like watching a train wreck. It's so disgusting, yet you can't look away and you keep coming back to it just to see what pops up on it next. It feeds some urge to be grossed out.

7:36 AM

You may have noticed that I changed the title of this blog. This is because I really haven't had time to post many pictures and really just needed a place for random musings. The nice part is that this can be done anywhere since I have a crackberry. I will still post pictures when I have the time and the inclination, but they may be from my camera phone.

I have been unable to... I had intended to post our pics of Washington Weirdness, but still have been unable to upload the pics from my cameras to my computer. Guess I better hunt for the USB cord now...